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Hydrogen lines from Veritas in operation
After four years of development work, the BMW iX5 Hydrogen has been on the road as a pilot fleet for around six months. The vehicle is equipped with high and medium pressure lines "made by Veritas AG". An important step in the process of the pilot fleet was, among other things, the EC 79 approval of the high-pressure lines by the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA).
Connection as a Unique Selling Point
From the very beginning, the development team at Veritas AG relied on a ball-cone connection instead of a cutting or clamping ring for the high-pressure lines for the BMW iX5 Hydrogen. Veritas has the manufacturing technology on the market under the brand name GLEVERLOC®. “One of the unique selling points of the GLEVERLOC® system is the use of an innovative manufacturing step. This enables us to create a surface in the area of the connection that is important for the tightness that is free of scratches, longitudinal grooves or other damage that affect the tightness. As a result, with the GLEVERLOC® system we - or our customers - achieve leak rates that are well below the upper limits required by law,” says Dipl.-Ing. Sergio Pascuzzi, who is responsible for materials in pre-development at Veritas AG.
Lines for fuel cell vehicles have been in the portfolio for a long time
Veritas has been supplying customers with lines for their fuel cell development and test vehicles since the mid-1990s. The portfolio includes, among other things, lines for cooling water and those for the cathode and low-pressure anode circuit. In addition to its activities in the new field of electromobility, Veritas continues to supply a wide variety of systems for vehicles with conventional drives to various OEMs at home and abroad.
National Hydrogen Strategy Drives Development
The development of the high-pressure lines at Veritas is taking place against the background that the need for hydrogen-based drives will increase sharply in the coming years, especially in commercial vehicles. Bosch has recently started series production of hydrogen drives for commercial vehicles. The system will be used in a truck from the US company Nikola. The Gerlingen headquarters expect that around one in five new commercial vehicles will be powered by hydrogen by 2030. Development is also in full swing at other manufacturers and is being driven not least by Germany's ambitious national hydrogen strategy, which is supported by the Federal Ministry of Transport.
In der Gerlinger Konzernzentrale rechnet man damit, dass bis zum Jahr 2030 rund jedes fünfte neue Nutzfahrzeug mit Wasserstoff angetrieben sein wird. Auch bei weiteren Herstellern läuft die Entwicklung auf vollen Touren und wird nicht zuletzt von der vom Bundesverkehrsministerium geförderten ambitionierten nationalen Wasserstoffstrategie Deutschlands getrieben.
HDT Automotive strengthens global business with completion of acquisition of headquarters and selected business activities of Veritas AG
With the successful acquisition of a large part of Veritas AG, HDT is strengthening its global reach and expanding its production and development network to include five locations in Germany, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary and Mexico.
With its focus on fluid and thermal management systems, Veritas is an ideal addition to HDT's product portfolio.
HDT is diversifying its customer base and product range and strengthening its business relationships with German automobile manufacturers.
Great interest in New Mobility products at the Hannover Messe
As in the previous year, hydrogen/fuel cell technologies were one of the program focuses at the Hannover Messe 2023.
Hannover Messe 2022: Veritas presents products for New Mobility
Veritas is one of 10 at the Hannover Messe from May 30th to June 2nd, 2022